

Love Cube Snap but want to learn how to solve puzzles on your own? Want more than a list of turns an……
CUBE SNAP 2是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢CUBE SNAP 2的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Love cube snap but want to learn how to solve puzzles on your own Want more than a list of turns and tired of watching videos of people explAIning how to solve not your specific scramble You are in the right place. c.s 2 will not only show you each step but explAIn each step. c.s 2 provides all the animated algorIThms you need to practice along wITh a companion video to compliment many learning styles.

If you have cube snap you know that improvements and addITions are part of the deal. Provided in this inITial release is ...

*3x3 Teacher Mode*

-step by step instruction and explanation

-all the algos you will need (w/animation)

-companion video for even more explanation

2x2 quick solve inst. ( moves)

3x3 quick solve inst. (20 moves)

4x4 quick solve inst. (46 moves)

5x5 solve inst. (200 + moves ... working on IT)

sudoku cube quick solve (20 moves)

center square Rotation solver (for picture cubes)

Teacher Mode for more cubes will come as updates

Playground: Play wITh 2x2 - 5x5 and learn the move codes

AR Mode: solve 3x3 sudoku cube in AR

Patterns: Bunch of patterns for each cube

share: share instructions wITh friends

fix feature: Get instructions to fix invalid 3x3 cubes

Look for continued updates wITh addITional teacher modes and cubes

