Combat Wombat是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢Combat Wombat的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
combat Wombat is a game of high competITive and hero team expansion game where players form hero teams to battle each other out using a shared Match-3 tile board.
WITh the motto of "IT's like candy crush,but you crush your friends". The core of the game is to battle other players by outmaneuvering them on a shared Match-3 tile board,collecting and upgrading heroes and weapons to form strong teams that would give the player an upper-hand.
combat Wombat is still in development and updates will be implemented on a monthly basis
follow us at facebook and ReddIT for updates note and feedback!
ReddIT: r/combatWombatTheGame