A Detective&39;s Demise是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢A Detective&39;s Demise的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
A Detective&39;s Demise是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢A Detective&39;s Demise的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
A Detective’s Demise is a dark,tech-noir inspired 3D audio adventure experience. Take on the role of the “Detective,” a Lambton enforcer wITh a few tales to tell; as you delve deep in the grime and mystery of a future District 5. Traverse the mean streets of Dusklight’s most brutal district as you search for “her,” encountering all manner of creatures,the lowest of the low,emboldened wITh heightened technology at your side. PITch Black: A Detective’s Demise.