

Strategilization V0: Expansion(Unreleased)

Strategilization is a mobile turn-based strategy where you develop your civilization: explore territ……
Strategilization V0: Expansion(Unreleased)是一款有趣的苹果策略游戏,喜欢Strategilization V0: Expansion(Unreleased)的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


strategilization is a mobile turn-based strategy where you develop your civilization: explore terrITory,use soft and milITary power to exterminate your enemies,expand your terrITory and exploIT the surrounding terrAIn. The game#039;s key idea is to let the player plan the strategy on the high level,and then let the people of your nation fulfill your plans,wIThout the need to manually control every unIT.

Game portal contAIns game news,art,media,and links to wiki and social resources

The game is in the development phase. current version is AImed to test the inITial civilization development: exploration,expansion,technology advance and terrITory exploITation.

To enter various control modes,select terrAIn tile,your cITy,or the rural region center,and then select what you are going to do. You can also select turn making mode: turn-based or real-time wITh pause. Turn informer is in the bottom-right screen corner.

What can you do in the game:

select what map type you are going to play: landmass,water percentage and size

found your first cITy

Give a name to your civilization and your cITies

found your rural region which will provide your cITies wITh food

Expand your terrITory

Build camps on the surrounding terrITory,expanding your influence

Improve buildings in your cITies and build new

Improve your rural regions by building fields,pastures,ports

Influence what ideas will your cITizens follow. These ideas affect the activITies of your cITizens. The ideas can be quot;we must develop the outer terrIToryquot;,quot;we are happy to live in this cITyquot;,quot;we must migrate somewherequot; or quot;we must rebel agAInst this countryquot;. The life condITions of your civilization#039;s cITizens affect the power which is AImed by the ideas. Besides,you and other nations can spend influence points to support or suppress the ideas in the nearby cITies.

found new cITies. Depending on the happiness of your cITizens,your new cITies can become just new parts of your empire,your colonies or even independent countries.

Advance your knowledge. Depending on what your people do,and where they live,various technology branches are advanced automatically at different rate. The branches are: Production,Engineering,HumanITarian,MilITary,MarITime

Upcoming features:

Wars. The unITless wars engine was successfully tested in the pre-alpha. IT was temporarily removed to focus on the core gameplay ballansing,but soon IT will be restored in the game wITh slight modifications. The key idea is that your cITies and camps spread milITary control points across surrounding hexes,and then you can direct them by drawing an attack arrow on the map. Your army then will follow your orders.

Rebellions. While now different parts of your and your rivals#039; empires can rebel and declare independence,one of the upcoming versions will have a game mode where the player will stay in the game even after all of your cITies have been captured. You#039;ll be able to playas a rebellion leader: spread ideas like quot;resistancequot; or quot;sabotagequot; across the cITies where your influence remAIns,increase your rebellion strength,and,eventually,regAIn independence.

WrITten history. All what#039;s happening to your civilization will be summarized as a wikipedia article from the future of your world. You#039;ll be able to give names to major battles,geography objects,highlight important events. Then you#039;ll be able to share the history of your country wITh your friends.

save/load function. This is most requested function by the players and we fully understand IT importance. IT was postponed in the schedule,because first the core gameplay and the data structures had to be stabilized. But once all of the game objects are defined,this is the first-priorITy features to have.

scenarios and custom maps.


