Party Trivia™ - the multi-player trivia game that works wITh Roku,Amazon fire TV,samsung smart TV
***** PartyTrivia is now AVAIlable on Roku ******
WITh Party Trivia™ any number of people can play head-to-head,outwITting each other,testing each others speed at being the fastest to answer the questions and win the game.
Party Trivia™ is the Worlds first multi-player game that's been designed to work wITh most smart phones and tablets.
Party Trivia™ is party gaming at IT's very best in an easy,out of the box,pick-up-and-play game,that keeps everyone entertAIned in a fun and dynamic way.
Party Trivia™ is a great way to while away the time,living a game show experience at home wITh family,friends of all ages.
This App only works wITh the Roku PartyTrivia application
This app requires minimum IOs 7.1