

Sengoku drama Hunt for Ieyasu

Winter camp ... Ieyasu Tokugawa Osaka had fallen into a corner.Honjin of Ieyasu in the battlefield o……
Sengoku drama Hunt for Ieyasu是一款有趣的苹果角色游戏,喜欢Sengoku drama Hunt for Ieyasu的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Winter camp ... Ieyasu Tokugawa Osaka had fallen into a corner.

Honjin of Ieyasu in the battlefield of the supposed overwhelming superiorITy was devastated in response to the rAid of Yukimura sanada.

Nigenobiro from sanada Ten Braves and Yukimura sanada approaching from behind!

sengoku escape game

quot;sengoku game of tag.quot;


~ Game Description ~

① by tapping on the screen,try to escape from the sanada Ten Braves!

The ITem can be AVAIlable for escape more quickly in ②HELP button!

③ Yukimura sanada of boss battles will Nigekiro wIThin the time limIT!


Trying to get help to friends ~ sNs! ~

Let#039;s share your friends on facebook and TwITter!

IT is possible to get a special ITem that will help the escape of Ieyasu!

Ready-to-post to facebook and TwITter from the [share] button at the bottom of the home right!


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Ieyasu Tokugawa favorITe person

middot; sNs and people who are looking for a friend and Moriagareru story on TwITter

- People who want to enjoy the game a lITtle free time


