MovieStarPlanet 2是一款有趣的苹果角色游戏,喜欢MovieStarPlanet 2的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
MoviestarPlanet 2 is rolling out the red carpet,and we are ready to welcome the biggest stars in town!
create your AVAtar TODAY and explore a new world of fun,fashion,friendships,and fame. Be part of the world’s largest social media dress-up game for fashionable tweens.
At MoviestarPlanet 2 you are always among friends. chat and hang out wITh your friends at amazing locations,or invITe your friends to hang out at your new home.
Go on a shopping spree and get the latest fashion and accessories. create your own Look,dress up and be the fashion designer of your dreams! snap a cool selfie in the studio and share IT wITh other Moviestars. Be the world’s best influencer and show everyone how IT’s done.
Join the other celebrITies at the VIP club and show off your moves on the dance floor or be the coolest DJ Hollywood has ever seen!
MoviestarPlanet 2 is a family-oriented game that has child safeguarding at the heart of what we do,and we are dedicated to keeping our games fun and safe for everyone. VisIT our Help center to read more about what we do to keep MoviestarPlanet 2 a safe place for kids
Your adoring fans are wAIting!
Welcome to the NEW world of MoviestarPlanet 2 - free to Download!