Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered是一款有趣的苹果冒险游戏,喜欢Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
Broken sword 2 ndash; the smoking Mirror: Remastered sees the return of George stobbart and Nico collard in the sequel to the App store #1 smash hIT Broken sword 1 ndash; shadow of the Templars: Director#039;s cut,widely prAIsed as the best adventure AVAIlable for iPhone / iPad.
While investigating a ruthless drug gang,journalist Nico collard unexpectedly comes across an ancient artifact. LITtle can she know that the ornately carved obsidian stone will lead her,and her adventuring companion George stobbart,into a mysterious escapade of intrigue and deceIT,in which they must overcome powerful forces and antagonists who will stop at nothing to fulfill their evil ambITions.
Broken sword 2 - the smoking Mirror: Remastered is a stunning update to the million-selling original. Along wITh an exclusive new interactive digITal comic,from Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons,the game boasts fully animated facial expressions,enhanced graphics throughout,high qualITy music as well as a context-sensITive hint system,and diary. The game also features Dropbox integration which facilITates a unique cross-platform save-game feature,enabling players to enjoy the same adventure simultaneously on multiple devices,full Game center integration ndash; including in-game achievements ndash; and many other enhancements.
quot;Broken sword: The smoking Mirror is a fantastic game... Many hours of entertAIning storytelling lie ahead.quot;
quot;hellip; easily one of my most highly recommended tITles on the platform. Bravo,Revolution. Bravo!quot;
full English speech wITh option for subtITles in English,french,German,spanish or ITalian. AddITional speech files can be added to any version for mix and match language support.