脱出ゲーム WoodWorkshopEscape是一款有趣的苹果冒险游戏,喜欢脱出ゲーム WoodWorkshopEscape的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
脱出ゲーム WoodWorkshopEscape是一款有趣的苹果冒险游戏,喜欢脱出ゲーム WoodWorkshopEscape的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
There are only one ending.
The game will be saved automatically.
How to play
1. Escape from this room by tapping the room.
2. In the ITem box,you can select an ITem and investigate in detAIl by tapping the button of
a magnifying glass. You can scroll the ITem box horizontally.
3. You can used an ITem by tapping the room after selecting an ITem.
4. When investigating an ITem in detAIl,you can use the other ITem or combine the ITems.
You can also play this game in a web browser.
効果音ラボ - http://soundeffect-lab.info/
音人 - http://on-jin.com/