
Fleeting Memory

A mysterious woman with no memory. A cranky corpse who won't stay dead. And YOU, the key figure……
Fleeting Memory是一款有趣的苹果冒险游戏,喜欢Fleeting Memory的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


A mysterious woman wITh no memory. A cranky corpse who won't stay dead. And YOU,the key figure in a swirl of quirky characters,forgotten identITies and cunning puzzles.

This is fLEETING MEMORY,a comical take on the classic point-and-click adventure …

A beautiful though slightly disheveled woman knocks at the door. she's lost,she's soaked in rAIn … and she has no idea WHO sHE Is. sounds like a job for the dashing householder staring back at her. YOU. If only you could help. Tell her where she is,what her name is,anything … But you don't know what her name is. You don't know what anybody's name is.Including YOUR OWN …


• gobs of gorgeous hand-drawn art

• a compelling musical score

• a plethora of puzzles and riddles

• hilarious character interactions

• hundreds of wITty in-game comments

• a strange lITtle dog

• an astonishingly useful mop

several birds

• a mind-bending storyline

• AND Enescu fleet,the world's greatest,semiretired detective

Your Mysterycaper awAIts

Mysterycaper Productions. IT's cOMEDY solVED.

