
Secret Files 3

# # # Please note: This app requires iPad 4 or better, iPad Mini 2 or better or iPhone 6 or better. ……
Secret Files 3是一款有趣的苹果冒险游戏,喜欢Secret Files 3的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


# # # Please note: This app requires iPad 4 or better,iPad Mini 2 or better or iPhone 6 or better. older devices are not supported. # # #


secret files 3 - Nina and Max return to the touch screen in the follow-up of the secret files hIT-series. The long anticipated sequel celebrates ITs debut on the App store and received an overall update. The mobile version comes wITh better graphics,new sounds,effects and animations!]


Nina and Max just announced their upcoming wedding.. but from the beginning this turns out to be way harder than expected. Max gets arrested by the police in the middle of his apartment in Berlin. Nina can only watch the scene from the side lines.

A secret message from Max on his way out starts Nina on her quest to find him and the reason for his arrest. she finds way more than that. When the watchers become part of the picture once agAIn IT becomes clear - rescuing Max may not be the most important task at hand.

# # # fEATUREs # # #

• An interactive Mystery-Thriller for smartphones and Tablets

• 8+ hours playtime

clever riddles

• 80 detAIled locations

fully voice-overed by known TV voice actors

• localised in German and English

# # # LINKs AND REsOURcEs # # #

secret files-WebsITe: http://secretfiles.deepsilver.com/en/

• Animation Arts-WebsITe: http://www.animationarts.de/

secret files on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/secretfilesgames

# # # cOsTs AND REQUIREMENTs # # #

secret files 3 requires at least iOs 10 and runs on iPhone 6 (or higher),iPad 4 (or higher),iPad mini2 (or higher). As a full premium app,the inITial purchase grants access to all content and features – there are no fee-based episodes or other IAPs.

