Terror House Ghost Scanner是一款有趣的苹果模拟游戏,喜欢Terror House Ghost Scanner的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
Prank your friends and family wITh the horror app that makes any place feel haunted. Ghost scanner: Terror House horror joke prank looks like a ghost detector scanner to unsuspecting people,but this is a scary prank machine. As your friend scans for spirITs or ghosts,weird stuff will start happening,which will get worse and worse until finally... well you#039;ll just have to experience IT for yourself!
The app generates a unique horror joke prank experience utilizing your camera every time,so everyone#039;s experience will differ. As a bonus,the app can record your entire session so you can playback your friend#039;s reaction! We#039;d love to see your haunted scare videos so make sure you tag them wITh #TerrorHousePrank.
Use Ghost scanner Prank WITh 3 simple steps
1. Tell your friend to start the app and click the scan button.
2. Your friend should walk around a bIT to scan the area.
3. Enjoy the show! About 20-30 seconds in,weird and strange things will start happening making the place feel haunted.
bull; Augmented RealITy
bull; Randomized horror user experience
bull; Uses front and back cameras if AVAIlable
bull; Toggles your light on and off for a horror infused paranormal experience
bull; Vibrates your device at random intervals to enhance the horror infused paranormal experience
bull; 20 scary,horrifying,and frightening noises
bull; Record and save your scare prank session
bull; 4 scary,and frightening endings
bull; Turn up the volume and dim the lights for the most horrifying and frightening experience!
bull; Use in a scary location to enhance the frightening and horrifying experience.
bull; set the horror session duration/length to 1-2 minutes in the settings.
bull; Best used wITh a device that has a dual or rear facing camera,but IT will still work on other devices wITh limITed
functionalITy. Note,there is no camera preview view function for devices that have only a front facing camera.
However,the app will still record and playback the user#039;s reaction at the end.
bull; Jump scares can be turned off for a more subtle scare which may be even more horrifying to your friend.
Use this scary horror joke for any occasion including April fools or Halloween. This will scare,shock,and bring terror to your friends and family. You can even trick your ghost hunter friends into thinking your house is haunted! Your friend will definITely be in for a nightmare.
Warning: Ghost scanner: Terror House is a joke prank wITh sound and images that may cause fear,terror or panic,so use this joke prank responsibly and do not use this on the elderly or people wITh heart problems.
DisclAImer: Recorded data is only stored locally on your devices External sD card and no data will ever be shared or distributed by the app. Also,remember to get the victims permission before posting their scare video on the internet.
credITs/Attributions based on the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license can be found at