
Dip Puzzle

Starting from a plain white ball, get to work by clicking the masks you want to use and try to cover……
Dip Puzzle是一款有趣的苹果模拟游戏,喜欢Dip Puzzle的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


starting from a plAIn whITe ball,get to work by clicking the masks you want to use and try to covert the correct ball.

for example,the target ball or face might be orange wITh whITe eyes and black pupils,which means you need to use different spectacles to block the pAInt and create the different patterns. Need to make a beak Maybe you have to pull a few times wITh a pAIr of pliers.

There is no time limIT or punishment for making incorrect moves,so you can try several different configurations to reach your goal.

