Extreme Skater是一款有趣的苹果动作游戏,喜欢Extreme Skater的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
stuffed wITh excITing action gameplay and endless levels -Appoday
quot;ITs excITing,loaded wITh unlockables and achievements,and looks sharp.quot; - 148apps.com
quot;You want something tense,action-packed,and quick,filled wITh enough giant leaps to sate your lust for danger. You want something like Extreme skater!quot; - pocketgamer.co.uk
quot;Extreme skater is a should buy that provides a great action experience for iOs wITh tons of speed and intricacies.quot; - applenapps.com
quot;Extreme skater is not only a great controlling game,but a great looking one.quot; - apptudes.com
Extreme skateboarding in your pocket! shred through hills and forests in a quest to collect all the fallen meteor fragments and harness the full power of the meteor!
Jump,flip,turn and grind! Tap,swipe,hold and tilt! The more tricks you land the more powerful you become!
bull; 78 huge levels!
bull; super accurate tilt controls
bull; Multiple paths on each level for extra replayabilITy!
bull; Incredibly detAIled retina graphics!
bull; Unlock tricks,boards and characters!
bull; Two different worlds to explore and more coming soon!
bull; Game center Leaderboards
bull; Game music,which automatically swITches ITself off at start when playing other music on your iPod/iPhone
bull; Interactive tutorial to learn how to play
complete all objectives,find out all the shortcuts,become an Extreme skater!
Try also the free web version of Extreme skater on our websITe: