
Squatbot Pro

Hop, leap, and bound through vibrant levels as Squatbot! Squatbot brings tight platforming to mobile……
Squatbot Pro是一款有趣的苹果动作游戏,喜欢Squatbot Pro的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Hop,leap,and bound through vibrant levels as squatbot! squatbot brings tight platforming to mobile devices wITh a unique and minimalist control scheme. This premium version brings you that platforming experience wITh no ads!

In squatbot,there are no onscreen controls,simply tap left to jump left or tap right to jump right. Build and mAIntAIn your momentum as you race through challenging levels.

squatbot deconstructs the platforming experience on mobile and distills IT down to the perfect jump.

for this ad-free version,we will attempt to copy your save data forward from the ad-supported squatbot,if you have IT installed. Please do not uninstall the free version of squatbot until you have run squatbot Pro to copy your save data forward.

