
Cluster Six

Technology did not free the world... it enslaved it. Warlord corporate states emerged and gained pow……
Cluster Six是一款有趣的苹果动作游戏,喜欢Cluster Six的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Technology did not free the world... IT enslaved IT. Warlord corporate states emerged and gAIned power. Using their inhabITants as tools they isolated themselves from the world behind massive walls and high tech securITy drones.

You have been sent by the rebel group 3-Think,to break through the defenses of the corporate cITy-state cLUsTER siX and bring information to ITs enclosed districts no matter what the corporate cluster throws at you!

- sHAPEsHIfT through walls,drones and defenses.

- sprint through four different DIsTRIcTs wITh specific defenses

- AcQUIRE six forms to shapeshift into

- UPGRADE your cyber systems to guard better agAInst obstacles

- Achieve the mythical fLAWLEss RUN

Why settle for one fORM when you can have so much more

