

FPS Cam 3D Shooter HD

海外精品游戏正版授权,体验版正式上线,中文版正在汉化中,让我们一起期待吧!Join the Jedi and fight th……
FPS Cam 3D Shooter HD是一款有趣的苹果动作游戏,喜欢FPS Cam 3D Shooter HD的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!



Join the Jedi and fight the sITh Empire wITh the new update fPs cam 3D HD: star Wars! WITh the new update quot;fPs cam 3D HD: star Warsquot; all star Wars#039; s fans will finally become a Jedi and get their lightsaber!

Do you ever wonder experiencing a first person shooter in real life Now you can! WITh fPs cam 3D shooter HD and ITs augmented realITy you can simulate the use of your favorITe weapons including knifes,M4,AK47,grenades and more!

fPs cam 3D shooter HD combines high qualITy graphics wITh a fun gaming experience. You can take screenshots,save them in the gallery and share them wITh friends through emAIl,facebook,whatsapp and other applications. Transform any environment in a simulated shooter. You are the soldier! features

-3D high qualITy graphics

-Play offline -6 Weapons completely free

-3 Weapons to purchase wITh the coins of the game

-Buy games coins wITh real money

-Eearn free games coins wITh offers wIThin the game

-Remove the advertising wIThin the game

-Take screenshot and save them to the gallery

-share screenshot wITh your friends

-Endless magazines -sight -Action charging -Rotates the camera as you wish (normal,upside down,mirror,etc.)

-Other features coming soon! Including weapons


-Pistol (2 types,normal and wITh laser sight)

-skorpion VZ61

-UMP ndash; 45

-AK 47

-shotgun -M4A1

-fN scAR (wITh grenade launcher mode)

-Jedi#039;s Lightsaber (Obi-Wan Kenobi,star Wars) Weapons coming soon

-5 New weapons on the way,including grenade and sniper caution:

-Do Not use real weapons in real life. Use weapons only in this game. -This app is only for simulation purposes. Do not AIm at people or animals unaware of this application. Have fun,Exacron !

