

Let&39;s go Oarfish

Always oarfish had been hit in the security of the dragon Miyagi like.Discover what shining at the b……
Let&39;s go Oarfish是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Let&39;s go Oarfish的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Always oarfish had been hIT in the securITy of the dragon Miyagi like.

Discover what shining at the base of the seaweed suddenly.

This is who the heck Lost

Oarfish is to look for the Lord#039;s Lost

start the Kikikomi to deep sea creatures!

[How to Play]

1:! sEARcT Let the investigation by tapping a button.

2: out new testimony! Testimony released to up the investigation speeds.

3: further investigation speed by to clarify the testimony is up.

4: Awesome great whITe shark coming KurAItsui occasionally let repulsed by tapping.

5: If you have the skills repel quot;irregular attackquot;,for us to fight off automatically a great whITe shark that has been KurAItsui when you do not launch the app.

[Recommended for Travellers]

- I love trAIning game

- Deep-sea organisms love

- cute love

- Made to kill time like free trAIning games

middot; Numbers like to see how the going up a moment

middot; facebook the MP image in mass production,people who want to share on TwITter

People who want to kill time at-free

- Like leaving the game.

Music use


