Let&39;s go Oarfish是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Let&39;s go Oarfish的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
Always oarfish had been hIT in the securITy of the dragon Miyagi like.
Discover what shining at the base of the seaweed suddenly.
Oarfish is to look for the Lord#039;s Lost
start the Kikikomi to deep sea creatures!
[How to Play]
1:! sEARcT Let the investigation by tapping a button.
2: out new testimony! Testimony released to up the investigation speeds.
3: further investigation speed by to clarify the testimony is up.
4: Awesome great whITe shark coming KurAItsui occasionally let repulsed by tapping.
5: If you have the skills repel quot;irregular attackquot;,for us to fight off automatically a great whITe shark that has been KurAItsui when you do not launch the app.
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