Tinga Tinga Tales是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Tinga Tinga Tales的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
Welcome to the world of safari fun,where curious kids can play wITh their favourITe animal characters from Tinga Tinga Talesreg;. AImed at 3-6 year olds,this action-packed app includes 9 different mini-games which are based upon the stories,vibrant colours and music from the popular TV show.
Guaranteed to entertAIn for hours,children can have fun at their own pace as 3 different difficulty levels can be found in this interactive app.
quot;If your kids enjoy the show they#039;ll certAInly enjoy this tooquot;
Pocket Lint
quot;Gently educational mini-games that are simple enough for pre-schooler to play alonequot;
Junior Magazine
quot;Apps like these are exactly what the iPad does best,combining education and fun in one whole packagequot;
Loughborough Echo
quot;3 difficulty levels to ensure that younger children can still have fun,while older ones won#039;t get boredquot;
App Playground
Have fun wITh:
bull; MONKEYs MANGOEs - Monkey loves mangoes. Help him catch only the ripe orange ones before they fall to the ground. Avoid the green mangoes as they upset Monkey#039;s tummy!
bull; YUMMY fLIEs! Tap on the flowers to help chameleon catch as many flies as possible to eat. WAIt until a fly is over the flower before you strike. Yummy!
bull; cLEVER cHAMELEON - Help chameleon disappear by tapping on the correct pattern that matches his surroundings. choose carefully as you only have 5 chances!
bull; sNAPPY cROc - crocodile is trying to spoil Hippo#039;s swim. Tap on his head before he disappears. Be quick as you only have 5 chances.
bull; fIND LIZARD - Lizard always hides under rocks. Tap on the right rock to find him in a classic game of hide and seek,but watch carefully as Lizard will move the rocks around to confuse you!
bull; GREEDY TORTOIsE - Guide Tortoise to his heavenly feast in the clouds. Avoid the angry birds before they take his feathers away and send him back to earth!
bull; IM NOT A ROcK! Help Tortoise cross TingaTinga and avoid the animals. Be careful as you only have 5 chances! Hes not a rock!
bull; ANIMAL MIsMATcH - sort the correct animal parts to create the Tinga Tinga Tales animals. Use your finger to slide the heads,bodies and feet into posITion.
bull; BATH TIME! Help Elephant wash the dusty animals clean. Rub your finger over the animals as they run across the screen to help clean them. Hurry before they run off!
In-game achievements link to Apples Game centre.
This is a P2 Kid safe App. P2 Kid safe apps DO NOT contAIn in-app purchasing or data gathering systems of any kind,meaning your children can safely play wIThout fear of unwITtingly purchasing app content or credITs,or disclosing data about their playing habITs,location or the device they are using.
We are commITted to bringing all our users the highest qualITy gaming experience and aftercare service.
If you experience problems,rather than posting a negative review please get in touch,our service team are here to help. Most issues reported are down to simple errors in installation or configuration and not the app ITself. fixes are usually very strAIghtforward and we will work hard to fix any new issues reported and provide updates quickly.
Please emAIl us on: support@p2games.co.uk
for more detAIls of other excITing apps from P2 Games,visIT www.p2games.co.uk