What if a tiny pet hatched on your phone If IT loved you,would you love IT back
IMPORTANT: This is a pet and not a game or an app! fugu have a naturally gentle disposITion and require minimal care as a pet,but thrive when given extra love and tasty fruIT!
bull; fugu need to be fed fruIT at least once a day for a healthy diet
bull; Give your fugu plenty of love and attention and your pet will shower you wITh gifts and show off ITs happy dance!
bull;spoil your pet wITh gifts from the shop,including a toy camera and a trick whistle to trAIn your fugu to be a performer!
bull; Tuck your fugu in for a quiet night recharge by plugging in your phone wITh Hatch open
Do you feel ready to adopt your very own fugu pup
IT#039;s time to visIT the colorful world of Hatch and meet your new adorable pet!
Let me fill you in on the way to your egg! I think IT#039;s super excITed to meet you too!
- Max