【Game Introduction】
Two people can enjoy at the same time on smartphone or tablet!
● Rules are verry simple! quot;HIT ITquot; and quot;drop opponentquot;!
1: 14 body rich quot;Animalquot; and start the battle!
Lions,gorillas,giraffes every animal has a diffrent abilITies!
2: Pull your character up and hIT your opponent!
Watch out to the timing of the power to shoot and the shot direction!
3: You#039;ll win if you drop your opponent#039;s character into your hole!
Introducing 10 animal from 14 unique animal character!
● Let #039;s compete superiorly by using quot;ITemsquot;!
When getting ITems placed on the stage,animal#039;s special power will activated!
Try to crush the opponent,blow your opponent barking and IT has various effects!
【Online battle】
● Enjoy online battles wITh people all over the world!
If you are connected to the internet you can play unlimITed online battle wITh people all over the world!
[Online battle]
Battle competITion wITh people all over the world ranking!
[friend battle]
Battle online wITh friends even if you are in a remote place!
【2 play battle】
● You can enjoy playing agAInst a single terminal!
WITh a smartphone or tablet,you will be able to enjoy the battle on the spot!
【fullesting single person mode】
● Arcade mode
fight agAInst three difficulty degrees of cPU (Easy,Normal,Hard)!
If you defeat an animal in arcade mode you can get points!
●can you clear all of you challenge mode!
Prepare different mode of rules different from competITion!
can you answer all of 50 questions