Military Chess是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Military Chess的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!
Try our milITary chess game wITh exquisITe graphics,lovely gameplay,beautiful crisp graphics and two game modes for maximum experience. Perfect for users that want to enjoy milITary chess game online. Play chess online agAInst a computer,or play vs your friends or family on the same android device. sIMPLE MOVEMENTs AND cONTRols No matter which game mode you select the goal of our milITary chess app is to make everything as simple as possible,and leave IT only to the skills of the players. We managed to create lovely UI and chess board that can be rotated according to your posITion or preference. fREE MILIATRY cHEss GAME forget buying a milITary chess set. You will have a lovely milITary chess set on your Android device wITh our game. free chess multiplayer and single player is AVAIlable wITh one tap. cONTRol THE GAME As YOU WANT No matter if you want to reset the board,revert lass move or flip the board,you will be able to do IT wITh a single tap. Use two fingers to zoom and move the chess board as well. simply make MilITary chess game work for you! MilITary chess Game features: - lovely gameplay - milITary chess theme - 2 game modes: agAInst computer or vs other player - multiple board and move control features - abilITy to zoom - light in size and smooth - unique artwork
One of the best new challenging milITary chess gaming experience. Totally entertAIning and excITing. Play agAInst the computer or agAInst your friend or family member and show who is the best chess player. free chess game for Android devices.